Wednesday, December 28, 2011



Tak tau kenapa hari ni emo sangat. Semua benda asyik nak terasa. Tapi hakikatnya memang patut terasa. I know it has been a while since my last post...BUT my heart leads me to write down something today...

There is one of my FB fren posted on her wall taken from somewhere. The quotes written some sort like this "tak elok meluahkan perasaan di FB. Lebih elok jika berdiam diri and berdoa pada Allah"...I know it is true. I know my boundry. Not to expose my routine life and how I felt everytime in the FB. Then my other FB fren quote "boring asyik nak updates status diri sendiri lebih baik luah dlm diari"...lebih kurang gitu la...nak kate terasa tu memang ade la sket...I dont realy do that. But that quotes was updated right after I updated few status on myself...what a coincidence...haih..

Today the same quote also updated by my FB frens again...!Like someone is punching holes at my face...!

Beyond the sad stories...Just recieved a good news that abah and mak will be a atuk n nenek again next year...yeay...!!Not me la...but my eldest sister niza...hihi

Office is quite today since more than half of the staff taking leave...but still can hear the noise from Finance Depart having their fun time laughing.

Oh ya today is the last episode of Tentang Dhia...!! cant wait. Is there a happy ending for both Dhia and Zikir...??

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stir Fry Pasta for Breakfast

I managed to cook a simple dishes late last nite. Refrigerated after a while on the unfired stove. Of course it has been stir fried/cooked. But as usual can't seems to remember the name of the pasta. I think it is called Bucatini...For what ever it is I am happy because Alya liked it. She packed some to school for later. I also brought some to office. Suprisingly they all likes it too...hehehehe...furthermore they have asked me for the here it is:-

Stir Fry Bucatini

Half packed of Bucatini
6 cups of water
1 table spoon of salt
(Pour the water and salt into a pot. Turn the heat. Pour in the Bucatini and cook until you can pinch and break it easily. Rinse it with cold water to stop the cooking process in the Bucatini.)

5 cloves of garlic - diced it thinly
A bunch of green spinach/choy sum(sawi) - chop it coursely like a tiny ribbon strip
5 Dried Shitakea Mushroom (soak it in water about 1/2hr - can subsitutes it with fresh ones. Slice it thinly after soaking and turn big in size.
1/2 a cup of chicken stock/vegetable stock
1 teaspoonfull of dried chili flakes
A pinch of dried thyme
A pinch of dried parsley
A pinch of salt & pepper to taste
1 tablespoonfull of olive oil
(Heat the pan with olive oil. When it is hot stir in garlic, chili flakes, mushroom and cooked until the garlic caramalized. Pour in the chicken stock, Bucatini and the chop vegetable. Stir evenly until a bit sticky and dry. Springkle it with the dried herbs, salt & pepper. Turn off the heat and let it seat for a while.)

You can served it cold or warm. As an extra mile...just sprinkle it with parmesan cheese and pre heat it for few seconds in the microwave oven....enjoy...

It's Been A Hectic Day....!

Dunno how to say it just hate it and wish it was never been true. My maid not returning back to work..!! Why all these people take other's people difficulty as their oppurtunity...WHY???!!!. Hubby just renewed the visa for another year and we have spent almost RM1000 just to let her go back for his son's wedding. All bullshit..!! poor hubby have to spent a lot of time hussling and bustling the city for that unfaithful maid..I'm not going to tell she's from where...Now we have to spend more for a replacement. Poor kids and hubby. Sorry love coz I am not be able to cook your favourite meal for few weeks now...Hopefully Allah will hear our prayers...

Because of the MAID...Mak scolded me for not being a good mam to the maid. For not thinking of her welfare. Take things easily. Not thinking of other people difficulty. What's all that about???...I knew the maid will not be coming back and yet still want me to let her go back for the son's wedding..
Look now...and where is she??? Hope mak is not blaming me for the latest reason...otherwise I will go crazy...What ever happen...I LOVE YOU MAK....

First Class had started last Saturday and Sunday. Just right after that straight to the hotel and prepared for the AGM. Alhamdulillah all went through well even though I was falling asleep during the class...hehehehe..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

DAY THREE...and hopefully will continue

Hari ketiga yang agak kelam kabut. Terlajak tido sampai tup tup dengar suara papa kejut Alya...."alya bangun sayang shower jom"...aarrghh...lambat...mama terus jadi robot..bangun and tercegat depan pintu bilik air tunggu princess Alya nak sampai ke situ denagn lemah gemalainya...huhuhu sayang...dengan mata yang separuh terpaksa buka..hehe mama gagahkan juga mandikan kan kakak."Mama.! nak cucu coklat"...tu dia...adik dah bangun...hmmm..papa lak solat..."ok jap ye susu coklat on the way sayang"..

Pagi ni kakak terpaksa tapau roti krim ke sekolah...poor princess..takpe la sayang...balik nanti kita gi mkn sedap2 ek. Mama kelewatan. Kakak wuduk mama pun wuduk. Kakak solat mama pun solat...dah namenye lewat bangun...macam tu la..

As usual house chores need to be done plus there are laundry need to wash. Within 15 minutes all that done..shower time...

Reach office 15 minutes to 9am. Late again. Drop by 7th floor tapau kueh. 2 kueh and 3 nuggets for breakfast and white coffee....alhamdulillah...

Just came back from lunch. Went out to Promtip with papa n alfean. Order a lot but yet lesser time to finish all...Alfean makan banyak coz leka main game plus mama suap...heheh yeaaa.. All done with 45 minutes or so...drove off to office mama. Papa drop us off for a while for Friday prayer..."alfean follow mama to office ye".."ok mama best.."

Alfean suke sangat masuk office. Berlari-lari...macam2 aktiviti dia buat...makan kisses..makan oren...conteng kertas...pasang musical carusel...TETIBA....MAMA ALFEAN NAK BERAK!!! bergema suara...adussss..malunyer mama dik...."ok"...


Alhamdulillah....woke up with a complete health. Starts of with a prayer, preparing lite breakfast for Alya..followed by a quick walk through the house while doing some cleaning, washing, ironing, checking, make up the bed, throwing, wiping and few others..Alya was already waited for the late driver at the garaj. Bye Alya I said, with a brief silent prayers for her safety while we are apart from each other. Today the house is a bit quite. Maybe coz of the maid wasn't around. Alfean shows his longing by not sleeping soundly. Poor Boboy...he miss his Bibik...

After all the chores done...this foot automatically heading to the bathroom...hihihi...awesome..shower...yeeeaaaa...all sweat gone with the flows of water and the foams...aaaahhhh...

While that takes place, Papa fed Alfean for breakfast...a bowl of honey stars and milk. At first he resisted . After a short story telling by Papa, a spoon full of the cereal goes well into his mouth... What a relief...

I am done with the water excitement. Now Alfean's turn...again a resistant...Story teliing starts...bla bla bla...relief...he went in...yeaaa...

I was quite late to work. Plus Papa has to make his U turn after droping me off coz Alfean's pacifier was with me....Thanks Hon...

At work. Went into the pantry to make a mug of white coffee (kapal api) booster of the day. Suddenly the bad memories comes alive again. Mr V was asking about the updates on the incident at the hotel. "Was it settled?". There goes...blank again..I have to answered him back. "No, the boat operator bargaining for new price. I havent confirm or agreed on the amount". In my mind now am I doing the right thing....oooowhhh...huhuhu..

The boat turn and sank. We were in it. The boatmen didn't say anything about boat capacity. My kids, husband, niece and nephew were floating. Lucky we wore that life jacket. The boatmen didn't even try to save us or comforting the kids. They were screaming and crying to whoever heard. I saw my sister at the shore running around and shouting for help. My mom was in greatest shock. She was holding the other niece at the shore. "Uwan bot terbalik...sume nangis...isya takut..". Lucky they wasn't with us floating in the deep water. Lucky enough there were then came a rescuer. Two generous english man, our life saver. Thanks to them...The unacceptable point was..there wasn't any rescue team from the hotel standby at the shore or even came to our we weren't far away. They can easily spot us by the screaming voices called for help...

Aaaaargghhh...need to stop now...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day One


Bermulanya hari yang agak kelam kabut. Awal pagi yang macam biasa. Agak susah nak menggerakkan tubuh yang berselimut kerana hawa dingin yang masih terasa...mmmmm bestnyer. Tapi terkenangkan anak yang nak bersiap ke sekolah,  yang seorang lagi masih tidur dan menguasai teritory ku membuatkan aku makin ke tepi katil dan nyaris terjelepok ke bawah dan yang paling membuatkan aku ingin bangun pagi ialah kerana tuntutan harian pada nya....solat subuh...hmmm...alhamdulillah...dan yang selebihnya kerana terpaksa demi tuntutan kewangan harian....KERJA..

Hari ini seperti semalam...carpool. Nak buat macam mana. Wind screen kereta ku telah retak menanti pecah dek kepala anak ku Alfean. Tapi aku tetap amat bersyukur kerana kepala Alfean tidak ada yang cedera kecuali bingung sekejap sambil menyapu kepala...hihihihi...comel !

Terima kasih kepada sang suami kerana masih sabar menghantar aku ke tempat kerja yang jauhnya tak seberapa...hihihi...insyaallah next week sudah boleh bergerak sendiri..

Hari ini juga maid aku akan pulang bercuti di kampung. Bermakna tugas extra akan bermula selepas aku pulang dari kerja...hmmmm...yes I can do it !...ceh macam tak pernah buat...hihihi. Tapi yang tak bestnyer Alfean dan Alya akan kurang diberi perhatian semasa ketiadaan (kerja) aku. Tapi aku perlu hantar Alfean ke ampang. Tidak bole tidak. Melainkan monthly household income sentiasa berjalan or bertambah sekiranya aku cuti tanpa gaji atau BERHENTI...alangkah bahagianya hidup...

Berkisar pasal duit ni takkan ade kesudahan. Kadang kadang duit boleh buat aku gila ...kadang kadang duit boleh buat aku menangis, kadang kadang duit boleh buat aku marah tak henti, kadang kadang duit boleh buat aku termenung tiap pagi, kadang kadang duit boleh buat aku jadi lupa diri.....TAPI jarang jarang duit boleh buat aku happy, jarang jarang duit boleh buat aku senyum sendiri, jarang jarang duit boleh buat aku ingat kan aku tentang mati, jarang jarang jugak duit bole buat aku berangan tinggi, DAN jarang jarang juga duit boleh menyelamatkan situasi....hmmmm...So why wee need 'DUIT' to Live A Life....????

A New Begining of Life

Alhamdulillah....Thank you Allah...The first attempt ever in my whole 31 years of life that now I have my own BLOG. Reason to have a page on my own is to have the opportunity to share a daily life experience to other people as their reading pleasure not otherwise. I would also loves to receive any positive feedbacks/comments from all of you. Hopefully with this new begining it will encourage lots of new great things/experiences in the future together with a prayer I can become a better person within, as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, colleague, worker and one of the best Ummah in this world...Insyaallah...

All post herein after will either be in English (International) or Malay language...

Enjoy & And Have A Wonderful Day Ahead....!