Wednesday, December 28, 2011



Tak tau kenapa hari ni emo sangat. Semua benda asyik nak terasa. Tapi hakikatnya memang patut terasa. I know it has been a while since my last post...BUT my heart leads me to write down something today...

There is one of my FB fren posted on her wall taken from somewhere. The quotes written some sort like this "tak elok meluahkan perasaan di FB. Lebih elok jika berdiam diri and berdoa pada Allah"...I know it is true. I know my boundry. Not to expose my routine life and how I felt everytime in the FB. Then my other FB fren quote "boring asyik nak updates status diri sendiri lebih baik luah dlm diari"...lebih kurang gitu la...nak kate terasa tu memang ade la sket...I dont realy do that. But that quotes was updated right after I updated few status on myself...what a coincidence...haih..

Today the same quote also updated by my FB frens again...!Like someone is punching holes at my face...!

Beyond the sad stories...Just recieved a good news that abah and mak will be a atuk n nenek again next year...yeay...!!Not me la...but my eldest sister niza...hihi

Office is quite today since more than half of the staff taking leave...but still can hear the noise from Finance Depart having their fun time laughing.

Oh ya today is the last episode of Tentang Dhia...!! cant wait. Is there a happy ending for both Dhia and Zikir...??

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